Am I ready? Hell yes…….

VLM #2days, I’ve been so excited today it’s been hard to focus. I actually sat in a quite corner and bretathed deeply just to get some calm and focus.

I’m desperate to put the taper behind me, what a weird phase. It’s felt like two weeks of not running a lot, eating a lot, losing my fitness and arriving at the start line a bit heavier than I planned. I’m sure that’s not how Paula Radcliffe does it.

Yet I followed the rules…….

Stay hydrated


I stayed well hydrated all day….and night

Rest your legs


Lots of effort put in to leg resting opportunities

Carb load


5 Star all inclusive carb loading opportunities

This last week has been dull though, no great scenery, dull week at work, I’ve been a marathon bore, I know my colleagues are probably sick of it. You gotta love them though, they created my marathon emergency kit, mostly built around my hopefully irrational fear of shitting myself ! Adult nappies, incontinence pants and more usefully, bathing wipes for the end, a tin of gin and tonic for halfway and a small champagne for the end. What else does one do when leading a team meeting…….model the kit of course! Now that surprised them, I found an amazingly great place for the champagne.


Ready for all marathon emergencies


The team meeting star turn


I almost went into a blind panic when I thought I felt a ‘sniffle’ coming on. I don’t do ill, so couldn’t call it a cold or man flu but I’ve used my PMA positive mental attitude to ignore it and it’s gone away. So I’ve packed my bag, checked it sooooo many times, looks like rain is forecast, so I don’t know what to wear.

I’m worried about vast queues to collect my number and then getting carried away at the expo when I should be relaxing. I feel a credit card spanking coming on. They better have some of those amazing purple jackets left by the time I get there.

The best news ever is that I’ve beaten my fundraising target. I hope there’s more to come. There’s been a lot of promises that haven’t materialised hopefully those people/organisations know who they are.

Quite frankly p, I just need to do this thing now or I’m going to spontaneously combust, bring it on…..

Categories: Ladies of a Certain Age Running (LCA), Runners Problems

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1 reply

  1. Good luck!

    One of the many good things about London is the crowd-induced pacing for the first few miles. Stops you from heading out too fast.
    Don’t panic and try to weave your way around, running extra distance in the process, rather enjoy the occasion and do lots of overtaking in the last couple of miles instead.

    Don’t walk around London all day the day before, either. I did that once… Shattered… Bad idea.

    Go Justine!

    Liked by 1 person

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